1. Copy and paste the assignment 2. Answers must be highlighted in yellow OOCP m

1. Copy and paste the assignment
2. Answers must be highlighted in yellow

1. Copy and paste the assignment
2. Answers must be highlighted in yellow
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Read Chapters 1&2 and answer the following:
(Discussion Page 5)
Patient A is seen for a similar diagnosis as patient B, but patient A has a different insurance plan than patient B, which provides less coverage for medical services. Should patient A be treated differently than patient B? If they are treated differently, would this be a legal issue or an ethical issue?
What If? (Page 7)
Facts: A 75-year-old patient at a licensed, long-term care facility suffers from diabetes, dementia, coronary artery disease, and immobile decubitus ulcers (bedsores). She is unable to walk, talk, or feed herself.
Her physician prescribed a daily whirlpool bath as a medical treatment for the decubitus ulcers. The facility does not have a whirlpool, so the patient was given regular daily baths instead. A certified nursing assistant (CNA) prepared a bath for the patient and placed her in hot water that was 128° F, which subsequently caused severe burns. As a result of the burns, the patient developed a bacterial infection and died 3 days later of sepsis.
A wrongful death lawsuit was brought against the long-term care facility. The parties settled before trial for $1.5 million.
Source: Strine v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania et al., 894 A.2d 733 (Pa. 2006).
Who would have been named in this lawsuit?
How could the patient’s death have been prevented? How could a safer environment have been provided?
Define and describe the four elements of negligence in this case.
Relate to Practice (p. 16)
On a particularly busy day at the clinic, a medical assistant is performing a patient intake for a new patient. He decides to skip over parts of the medical history, including the section on drug allergies. On a follow-up visit, the patient is prescribed penicillin for an infection. A few days later, the patient calls the clinic complaining of a rash, hives, itchiness, and a swollen lip, most likely a reaction to the penicillin. What did the medical assistant do wrong? Was this a violation of the standard of practice, standard of care, or both?
Use the word bank to assign each scenario with a principle and breifly explain your reasoning.
Word Bank: Autonomy Justice Non-malfeasance Beneficence
A young adult cancer patient chooses to forego painful procedures that might not save him anyway to have a shorter, but more quality, life experience.
A drug company charges as much as triple for their products, depending on the population.
An EMT, disgusted by a mentally disturbed patient’s violent behavior, thinks later that he may have used more force than necessary in restraining that patient.
A private surgical practice weighs the pros and cons of offering a sliding fee scale for performing some surgeries.

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