Although one of the assignments and modules in this course involve ethical educa

Although one of the assignments and modules in this course involve ethical educa

Although one of the assignments and modules in this course involve ethical education in the Advanced Practice role, do you think it should be required? How do you think your increased scope of practice will influence your ethical decision making, and if you think (and you might not!) ethics will play a role in this decision making, how prepared are you for this? What do you think your ethical thinking has been shaped by?
Discussion Forum Grading and Guidelines To earn full credit, you must:
Post your initial response, answering all discussion questions/prompts in full. Initial post should not exceed 500 words.
Ensure that your initial post and peer reply is based on what you are learning in the readings and through scholarly research. When appropriate, draw on any any professional experience(s) you may have.
Ensure all posts use proper grammar and spelling. Discussion forum posts will be graded for thorough reflection of the topic at hand and whether the content answers the questions expertly with elaboration and explanation. It will also be evaluated for style, tone and structure. Thus, if there are spelling and grammatical errors, it deflects from the reading and points will be taken off.
Use proper APA format to cite sources.…

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