As you may know or may have experienced firsthand, there are several generations

As you may know or may have experienced firsthand, there are several generations

As you may know or may have experienced firsthand, there are several generations working together in the criminal justice field today. In fact, according to HR Daily Advisor (2018), there can be up to five different generations working together: Traditionalists (born before 1946), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1976), Generation Y or Millennials (born between 1977 and 1997), and Generation Z (born after 1997). Different generations have different working styles and respond to leadership differently. For this discussion, consider how stress may vary for different generations or may be caused by generational differences.
For your initial post, address the following questions:
How may generational factors, such as working styles or response to leadership, affect the level of stress for members of a generation?
Is there a certain generation that you feel has more stress than others in the criminal justice field? Why or why not?
Do you think that different generations working together and having differences cause additional stress for professionals? Why or why not?
In response to two of your peers, consider which of their points make the most sense to you even if you have a different viewpoint. Additionally, address the following questions:
Are there any other generational factors that they did not mention that may affect the stress of a generation?
What resources are available to combat this stress?
How can different generations work together to have positive interactions and reduce stress across the field?
Grensing-Pophal, L. (2018, February 26). Diversity insight: How to handle 5 generations in the workplace. HR Daily Advisor.

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