Check cross-referencess in text to all tables and figures:

Check cross-referencess in text to all tables and figures:

Check cross-referencess in text to all tables and figures:
Check also the references to tables and figures in the text. E.g. Table 5: Syntax comparisons for Bicep, JSON, and HashiCorp Language (HCL) cover parameter creation, resource declaration, loops, conditional operators, and variable declaration, showcasing their respective syntax approaches. -˃ In table (Table 5) Syntax comparisons for Bicep, JSON, and HashiCorp Language (HCL) cover parameter creation, resource declaration, loops, conditional operators, and variable declaration, showcasing their respective syntax approaches.
Captions above the pictures (not below): Figure 1: Program code 1 highlighting project tree
– the introduction is 6 pages long, when it should be 1 page. The summary and the rest of the texts could be made into a new main chapter or sub-chapter in Chapter 2.
– According to the instructions, the titles of chapters 2 and 2.1 should describe the content
– Title 4.1 can be removed as unnecessary.
– material management plan is missing
In chapter 3.2 Sampling, Data, and Data Collection, can you describe in more detail the target group of the quantitative part, where and how the target group was selected, in which tasks the target group works? It would also be valuable if you attached the questions, what was asked to the target group and their answers to the questions.

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