Choose a grade level, two academic subject areas, and one arts subject.
0 Step 1. Choose
Choose a grade level, two academic subject areas, and one arts subject. For example, you might choose ELA, Social Studies, and Music for 5th grade or Mathematics, Science, and Visual Art for 7th grade.
Step 2. Find
Find the broadest based standards in each of the three chosen subjects and grade level. You will create a two-column table to show your findings.
• In column 1, list the standards.
• In column 2, cluster and list two or three standards related to each broad-based standard.
Step 3. Unpack
Unpack the broad-based standards by using a Know-Do-Be (KDB) approach. Create a second table with four columns.
• In column 1, list each broad-based standard.
• In column 2, list the “Know” revealed by the nouns in the standards.
• In column 3, list the “Do” revealed by the verbs in the standards. The Do contains the skills and competencies for acquiring the Know. You may want to color code Do skills or competencies by type: communication, thinking, and social-emotional.
• In column 4, begin by identifying the Be by listing any relevant social-emotional competencies or character assets the standards suggest, such as being responsible.
This will begin your establishment of the Be. Enter descriptive terms for SECD competencies and assets.
Step 4. Construct
Construct a cross-disciplinary KDB umbrella using the KDB Umbrella template (Learning Object M8.4) and drawing from your column entries in Step 3. This umbrella will serve as a guide for planning your unit.
For the Know, identify Big Ideas (BI), Broad Concepts (BC), and Enduring Understandings (EU). Add to your umbrella cross-disciplinary Do skills and competencies. Many are used to acquire the Know. For the Do, Drake lists cross-disciplinary competencies from the P21 Framework. Vessels includes most social-emotional competencies in addition. For the Be, list character strengths including moral and civic virtues and prosocial motivations. Vessels’ second of two umbrella slides in Learning Objects M8.4 should be used as a guide for sorting KDB competencies and assets.
Step 5. Choose
Drawing from sources provided for SEL and SECD standards, choose at least two standards to integrate with your academic and arts standards. These should be related to what you entered in columns 3 and 4 of table 2. Some SEL/SECD standards may combine the Be and Do. If you cannot find published Do and Be standards that fit your plan, write your own. If you chose SECD standards in Step 1, then repeat them here.
Step 6. Integrate
As you consider how to integrate your academic, art, and SECD standards, imagine what themes, social issues, significant questions, or broad concepts might serve as an organizing centerpiece. This is the nucleus of your integrated unit or creative unit idea. This interconnecting centerpiece must transcend the subjects/categories you integrate and should relate to entries on your KDB umbrella. Pages 1 and 2 of Vessels’ planning template (Learning Object M8.3) and/or an exploratory web may be useful in seeking to integrate your standards.
Step 7. Convert
As a means of aligning the KDB umbrella to a Rich Culminating Assessment Task (RCAT) and to guide planning instructional activities and assessments, convert the KDB into an essential question (EQ). An EQ begins with why or how and is cross-disciplinary. An EU can be reworded to form an EQ.
Step 8. Select
Select a Rich Culminating Assessment Task (RCAT) that will enable students to demonstrate the KDB and achieve the standards. A suitable task allows for assessing the knowledge, skills, and assets referred to in the standards. The chosen RCAT must be comprehensive, multidimensional, and interdisciplinary. Consider what criteria are needed to assess the KDB and related assessments that might be used to measure success on the RCAT?
Step 9. Brainstorm
Brainstorm possible instructional activities. Use either an exploratory web with your EQ in the center and possible interdisciplinary activities around it or a table with your EQ at the top and columns for the content topics and activities.
Step 10. Submit
Submit your standards-based interdisciplinary plan as an APA-formatted Word document. Label the steps and include tables and photos if you use the template and/or exploratory webs. Include citations and a references page if you use any published sources.