Choose one (1) of the options below and compose the text (no images necessary) f
Choose one (1) of the options below and compose the text (no images necessary) for a trickster’s online profile.
(these character’s are from stories in the African storyteller by Matthew brown)
Dating App
Create a dating app profile for one of the tricksters we have read about so far (Abunawas, Beiho, Spider, Hare, Turtle, Jackal). The profile you compose might appear on, OkCupid, Badoo, Tinder, Grindr, Dattch, Frim, WhosHere, etc. The profile you compose should include the following:
The name of the trickster
The trickster’s desiresable abilities and “positive” characteristics
The experiences the trickster has had that make him/her desirable
The trickster’s objectives (goals, plans)
Aspects of the trickster that will help him/her achieve those objectives.
(Remember, tricksters are likely to deceive, distort, and misrepresent themselves. Feel free to do so as you complete the profile.)
Your examples and the language you use must be drawn from the story, even if manipulated. If you choose this option, you will focus on the trickster’s sexual or amorous desire, and how the trickster amorally uses deception, specialized language, and other tools at his/her disposal to fulfill that desire.
WARNING: This is a public forum in an academic setting. DO NOT use offensive, explicit, of otherwise inappropriate language. The idea that someone pursues sexual or amorous desire is not in and of itself offensive – it’s a fact of human experience. There are plenty of ways to consider this fact without antagonizing your peers and instructors. Use empathy and common sense.
Create a LinkedIn professional networking profile for one of the tricksters we have read about so far (Abunawas, Beiho, Spider, Hare, Turtle, Jackal). One way to think of LinkedIn is that it is designed for people to pursue greater financial and authoritative power. The profile you compose should include the following:
The name of the trickster
The professional skills and “positive” characteristics of the trickster
The experiences the trickster has had that would make him/her worth connecting to professionally
The trickster’s objectives (goals, plans)
Aspects of the trickster that will help him/her achieve those objectives.
(Remember, tricksters are likely to deceive, distort, and misrepresent themselves. Feel free to do so as you complete the profile.)
Your examples and the language you use must be drawn from the story, even if manipulated. If you choose this option, you will focus on the trickster’s desire for power and how the trickster uses deception, specialized language, and other tools at his/her disposal to “climb the professional ladder.”
the wax doll story attached is a story you can use for this