COHORT SESSION MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENT: For each cohort session missed, the student


For each cohort session missed, the student


For each cohort session missed, the student will be requested to:

Review all session materials (PowerPoint slides, videos, case studies, etc.) and:
A. Summarize the learning objectives;
B. Summarize and synthesize the major concepts, information, resources, skills communicated/demonstrated in the session;
C. Document how the major concepts, information, resources, skills communicated/demonstrated in the session will impact their Dissertation Process;
D. Document how the major concepts, information, resources, skills communicated/demonstrated in the session may impact Dissertation Content.

1. What are 3 take-aways from the video that you will use as you continue in your CES doctoral studies?

2. Pick a topic that you are interested in possibly doing for your dissertation.
• Give 10 search terms that you can use to get relevant articles.
• Give the APA reference of 5 of those articles and abstract from the article.
• Explain in a few sentences why each of the 5 articles appealed to you in terms of your intended topic.

CES Assignment 2:

Review the powerpoint on Critical Thinking for Doctoral Scholarship that was given in the course. (attached)

1. What are 3 characteristics of critical thinkers given in the ppt that come easy to you and why? What 2 characteristics are more difficult for you and why?
2. Why is critical thinking important when working on your coursework and your dissertation? (1 page)
3. What are 3 specific examples of how you can apply critical thinking during your coursework and your dissertation process? (1-2 pages)
4. Your client comes into session all upset because a friend has just emailed that they have had their wallet stolen and they are needing money. They were on vacation in Africa and now they can’t leave as their passport was in their bag also. They desperately need money for food, hotel room, and get a plane ticket home. As a critical thinker, which characteristics would you use to help your client? Give example of 3-4 questions you might ask to get to the bottom of the situation.

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