Delineate the watershed for the USGS gaging station corresponding to USGS 080690
Delineate the watershed for the USGS gaging station corresponding to USGS 08069000 Cypress Ck nr Westfield, TX (referred to as “your watershed” henceforth).use (HUC 8)
1. Show the flow direction, flow accumulation, and the final watershed maps (not screenshots). At a minimum your map must contain a legend, a north arrow and a scale bar.
2. Calculate the contributing drainage area. Does your area match reasonably with that indicated by the USGS on their website (briefly discuss why? Or why not?).
B. Download or extract the following data pertinent to your watershed – Soil Hydrologic Group (SHG) using SSURGO and Soil Hydrologic Group (SHG) corresponding to STATSGO2
1. Develop SHP maps corresponding to these two datasets (again not screenshots) but bona fide maps containing appropriate scale, legend, north arrow and labels.
2. Discuss the difference between the two soil databases.
C. Download the Land Use Land Cover (LULC) maps for your watershed for the years 2011 and 2021.
1. Map the LULC for these two years (2 separate maps but directly comparable).
2. How has the land use changed in your watershed within the 10 year period? Which LULC has the most dominant change? And what does this mean to the runoff potential of your watershed?