Read the following article:
Mother Tongue Maintenance Among North Ame
Read the following article:
Mother Tongue Maintenance Among North American Ethnic Groups Download Mother Tongue Maintenance Among North American Ethnic Groups, Robert W. Shrauf
Address the following:
What are some of the factors behind both the loss and persistence of native languages?
Does losing or maintaining one’s native language have any impact on one’s degree of acculturation or assimilation?
You must post your answer first before you can see your peers’ responses. After your initial post, reply to two or more of your classmates’ postings (three additional postings are needed for an “Exemplary” grade).
Initial responses and replies should be at least 150 words and of high quality.
The Initial Post is Wednesday, August 16, 2022 by 11:59 PM.
The Replies are due by Sunday, August 20, 2022 by 11:59 PM.
Make sure to support your opinions with facts and resources. All sources should be cited in proper APA format.
Do not:
Offer advice to your classmates
Simply only agree or disagree with your classmates