Final Project: (20% of Final Grade) In Week 3, students will select a topic for

Final Project: (20% of Final Grade) In Week 3, students will select a topic for

Final Project: (20% of Final Grade) In Week 3, students will select a topic for their presentation. This topic should be specific, as it will require a 15 (content) slide (minimum) presentation. This means that content slides are required. Title, outline, and reference slides do not count towards content slides. Previous students chose topics relevant to their future career, DV specific to a particular state or country, and many other unique topics – be creative! Note: As this is a domestic violence course, topics should be relevant to domestic or interpersonal violence. The instructor may guide or assist students with focusing on a topic but does not assign topics. Students submit the presentation during Week 8. Files should be submitted as .ppt. Extra credit (+5 points) will be awarded to students who utilize meaningful voiceovers (e.g., not read from slides).
Submit your topic for your presentation and an annotated bibliography (of 3 peer reviewed scholarly sources, minimally) using the Dropbox provided below. For this assignment, please follow the format below, replacing the underlined portion with your work. Please see the syllabus for details on how to determine scholarly work.
Research Title:
Search Parameters (what keywords did you use):
Annotated Bibliography:
1. APA citation #1
Brief (4 sentence) description of the article (not the abstract, this should be your own words). Include one or two sentences on how this article/study will be used in your research.
2. APA citation #2
Brief (4 sentence) description of the article (not the abstract, this should be your own words). Include one or two sentences on how this article/study will be used in your research.
3. APA citation #3
Brief (4 sentence) description of the article (not the abstract, this should be your own words). Include one or two sentences on how this article/study will be used in your research.

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