For this week’s discussion board, please discuss the following items referenced

For this week’s discussion board, please discuss the following items referenced

For this week’s discussion board, please discuss the following items referenced from the readings assigned: (500 words)
Review your local or state level department of public health’s website (South Carolina). Describe and discuss the functions of the department and what initiatives are in place to address current public health concerns (ie food safety, smoking, safe drinking water, Corona virus, flu virus…etc). Does your department of public health take a population health approach, how so?
Utilizing the “BIG GEMS” framework, discuss the social determinates of a current public health issue that your department is addressing (consider an issue local to you or a broad national issue). Are there any primary, secondary, and/ tertiary interventions implemented to address the issue? What are they and what possible effects might they have? Are they evidence-based?
Also, include the implications for social work and what role a social worker might function in addressing the issue.
What are the differences between families and other social groups? What is unique about the family? What would be included in adopting a family relationship framework? What benefits and obstacles do you see in using a family relationship framework perspective in practice? (300 words)

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