Health Education Critique:
Identify a health issue in the community you are asse
Health Education Critique:
Identify a health issue in the community you are assessing. Interview a stakeholder (remember a stakeholder can be a doctor, nurse, educator, or patient receiving care for identified health issue) regarding the need for education concerning the issue.
Analyze a patient educational brochure, or publication that can be used to educate community members on the identified health concern discussed with the stakeholder.
The brochure should follow guidelines established by Doak, Doak and Root (1996) in Chapter 4 of Teaching Patients with Low Literacy Skills.
The link to the Doak, Doak, and Root article is also active in the resources section of this module. You must critique the educational material chosen according to the criteria in Chapter 4, figure 4-1.
The written critique should include an analysis of the brochure’s accuracy of content and written information. Please review grading rubrics for specific grading criteria for this assignment.