I have attached the documents of instructions. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL DETAILS VERY CL

I have attached the documents of instructions. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL DETAILS VERY CL

I have attached the documents of instructions. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL DETAILS VERY CLOSELY! We are moving forward with a CHRONOLOGICAL FLOW CHART, so please keep in mind when refering to the instruction document. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT: Portfolio: Elaboration Phase Assignment Instructions RUBRIC DOCUMENT: Portfolio: Elaboration Phase Grading Rubric
I have also attached my previous phase assignment expressing that is essentially the begining of this project that you will be continuing the direction for moving forward with the Chronological Flow Chart and any additional steps additions needed – focus most on drafting a conciese flow chart draft as the instructions note. Additional FIVE PAGES MAX (nNO MORE NO LESS- professor is sucha stickler on these formatting details).
I WILL UPLOAD PROFESSOR FEEDBACK ON my previous phase once i hear back – that may be helpful in formulating the next portion of this project.

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