Imagine you are an entrepreneur starting a new pet supplies company. Throughout
Imagine you are an entrepreneur starting a new pet supplies company. Throughout this course, you will develop
the various components of a comprehensive business plan for your pet supplies company. You will make
decisions on the products your company will offer, the operational structure of your company, and the financing
required to achieve your goals.
Company Name: Create a unique name (not already in use) for your pet supplies company.
Product Mix and Competition: Name a pet product that you plan to introduce and provide reasoning for
your product selection. Include a preliminary discussion on your competition and economic indicators and
elaborate on why now is an opportune time to launch this business.
Consumer Value: Discuss in detail the value that your company will offer to consumers.
Code of Ethics: Outline a code of ethics for your company and describe how your company will adhere to
Social Responsibility: Identify and explain your company’s approach to social responsibility, choosing from
options such as Obstructionist Stance, Defensive Stance, Accommodative Stance, or Proactive Stance.
Competitive Advantage: Identify and explain the competitive advantage that your company will leverage,
choosing from options such as Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, or National Competitive
Risk: Identify potential reasons for both failure and success of your business and provide a brief description
of how you plan to ensure success