Assessment Title Journal Entry 1 (Expectation)
Graduate Capabilities a. Professional Expertise
b. Innovative Problem Solving
c. Technology and Information Literacy
d. Global Citizenship
e. Skilled Collaboration
f. Agile Leadership
g. Independent Self-Management
Learning Outcome/s
(found in the
Subject Outline) a. Discuss the professional setting, expectations and progress
b. Examine employability skills for professional development
d. Apply employability skills consistently in a variety of professional settings
Assessment type Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 1,000 +/- 10%
Due day Week 6 (Monday 23:55)
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment Journal Entry:
ICMS Cover Page
instructions The purpose of this assessment is to provide the opportunity for students to reflect upon and examine their professional placement environment and the employability skills they expect to develop and how these employability skills are utilised within their placement.
Employability means the ability to find, create and sustain meaningful work across the career lifespan. Employability skills facilitate your employability and can include communication, teamwork, adaptability, initiative and leadership. These skills can also extend to industry/discipline technical skills such as specific IT platforms and systems knowledge.
The first two assessments for WIL201A will focus on two themes being Journal Entry 1 (Expectation) and Journal Entry 2 (Application).
You have recently commenced your Professional Placement and this represents a significant learning event worthy of reflection.
Refer to the framework, instructions and prompt questions below to help guide your Journal Entry:
Introduction – 200 words guide
Provide some context to your Professional Placement including your role / title, the organisation, its structure and its core activities.
Body – Identify and Reflect – 600 words guide
Provide a brief outline of your initial on-boarding to your professional placement (initial introductions, induction and/or on-the-job training and tasks).
Using the template ‘Role expectations’ provided, outline how your CliftonStrengths Signature Themes can support you in meeting the expectations of your role. Please attached the completed template as an appendix at the end of your assessment.
Draw upon your onboarding experience and the role expectation template to identify two employability skills you believe will be required and further developed throughout your placement and how these skills might be used in your role.
Identify an additional employability skill you had prior to placement. How was it developed? Reflect upon how this skill is being applied in the placement so far.
Conclusion – 200 words guide
Conclude your initial commencement. Explain how your commencement affected you. This could be positive or negative. You may have felt frustrated, elated, confused or relieved. Why did you feel this way? Did you feel overwhelmed by the skills needed to be learnt?
Were you relieved that you had skills that could be used straight away? Were you confused by the on-boarding process or lack of guidance or were you well supported?
What have you learnt that will help you in future?
Readings for the assessment On the Student Support Centre (SSC) resource page there are a variety of academic resources and tips available to support students with their tasks and activities including reflective writing style.
This assessment is to be written in first person. First person point of view uses pronouns such as ‘I/we’, ‘me/us’, ‘my/mine’, ‘our/ours’. This is a reflective piece of writing therefore first person point of view is the most appropriate form of writing.
For additional information on Employability Skills see and otherwise refer to credible on-line sources including those listed in the Subject Outline on Moodle.
Further tips and examples may also be available on Moodle. No specified reading material.
Grading Criteria / Rubric See below
WIL201A: Assessment 1– Journal Entry (Expectation) – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Outstanding introduction provided. Introduction is clear and main points outlined succinctly. Presented with significant clarity and logical flow. Well-described introduction provided.
Introduction is clear and most main points covered. Presented with clarity and logical flow. Generally appropriate introduction provided. Introduction is evident and some main points covered. Presented with appropriate clarity and flow. Some introduction provided. Introduction is understood, limited points covered. The meaning is apparent but lacking some clarity and/or focus. Provides little or no relevant introduction. Introduction is not clear and nearly all main points not covered. Lacks clarity and relevant information.
Body – (15%) Extensive outline provided of the on-boarding experience, introductions, inductions and/or on the job training. Significant outline provided of the on-boarding experience, introductions, inductions and/or on the job training. Clear outline provided of the onboarding experience, introductions, inductions and/or on the job training. Outline provided of the onboarding experience, introductions, inductions and/or on the job training. Minimal outline provided of the onboarding experience, introductions, inductions and/or on the job training.
Identify of
(15%) Exceptional identification of how your Clifton Strengths Signature Themes can support you meet and exceed the role. Significant identification of how your Clifton Strengths
Signature Themes can support you meet and exceed the role Clear identification of how your Clifton Strengths Signature Themes can support you meet and exceed the role Identification of how your Clifton Strengths Signature Themes can support you meet and exceed the role Minimal identification of how your Clifton Strengths Signature Themes can support you meet and exceed the role .
Reflect (15%) Exceptional reflection of the employability skills being applied on the placement. Significant reflection of the employability skills being applied on the placement. Clear reflection of the employability skills being applied on the placement. Reflection of the employability skills being applied on the placement. Minimal reflection of the employability skills being applied on the placement.
Conclusion (20%) Clear and concise conclusion and evaluation of the experience including thoughtful insights and suggestions for improvement in future. Concludes and reflects the experience, offering useful insights and suggestions for improvement in future. Concludes and summarises the experience. Some suggestions for improvement in future provided, may lack some depth. Simple conclusion of the experience. No or limited suggestions for improvement in future provided. Little or no conclusion provided. No attempt to evaluate experience, suggest future improvements.
Presentation and Writing
(15%) Exceptionally well written and clearly organised using a strong
writing style and essentially free from grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Well written and logically organised with minor errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Above average writing style and logically organised with some errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Average and/or casual writing style that is sometimes unclear and/or with some errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Poor writing style lacking in clarity
with errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling.