Melville uses juxtapositions of darkness and light, black and white throughout “

Melville uses juxtapositions of darkness and light, black and white throughout “

Melville uses juxtapositions of darkness and light, black and white throughout “Benito Cereno”. Locate a good example of Melville’s use of color and then use your discussion post to explore why he chooses to do this.
In one original post, use 1 or 2 body paragraphs to present and analyze a quotation wherein Melville draws attention to contrasting colors. Perhaps there’s an image of the sun, or maybe there’s some part of the ship, or there could even be peoples’ skin juxtaposed in the same poetic image as it is seen by Captain Delano. Present 1 or more of those images in a body paragraph and use analysis to consider what effect Melville is trying to have on his reader.

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