Modules offered by Unisa are online (all information is available via the internet).

Modules offered by Unisa are online (all information is available via the internet).

Assignment due dates
• Modules offered by Unisa are online (all information is available via the internet). In all cases of online engagement, we use Moodle LMS as our virtual campus.
• From 2022, the Moodle LMS virtual campus offered via a new learning management system. This is an online system that is used to administer, document and deliver educational material to you and support engagement with you.
• Look out for information from your lecturer as well as other Unisa platforms to determine how to access the virtual Moodle LMS module site.
• Information on the tools that will be available to engage with the lecturer and fellow students to support your learning will also be communicated via various platforms.
• The University undertakes to communicate as clearly and as frequently as is necessary to ensure optimum advantage in the use of the new learning management system(Moodle LMS).
• Additional information on the use of the Moodle LMS site for the module, as well as features to engage and communicate with your lecturer and other students will also be made available via the online site for the module.
• Therefore, log on to the My Modules site for your module to gain more information on where to complete and/or upload your assignments and how to communicate with your lecturer.
9.5 Submission of assignments
As indicated in section 7.2, you need to complete 2 (two) number of assignments for this module. Details on the assignments.

9.5.1 The assignments
PPH4811 Unique Number:231320
Closing date:08 May 2023
(No extension will be granted)
Respond to the following tasks:
Three types of calculations are used to describe and compare measures of disease occurrence: ratios, proportions, and rates define and explain each of them and give relevant examples with calculations to each. (35)

In order to answer this assignment, you should know:
On completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
Describe the mathematical relationship between the measures of disease frequency.
Provide examples of commonly used measures of disease frequency in public health.
How to approach this assignment
To do this assignment, you need to start by obtaining information related to biostatistics in your online search and library. You then have to use this information to discuss the activities to be taken for each output area.
Format of the assignment
The assignment should not exceed 12 typed pages – excluding the title page, table of contents and list of sources. Only typed assignments will be accepted. Use font Arial size 12 and 1.5 spacing when typing the assignment and justify page margins.
Please note that, if the assignment exceeds 12 typed pages, the rest of the information will not be marked.
Assessment Criteria:
Criteria Mark allocation
Introduction 2
Content of the assignment 35
Three types of calculations are used to describe and compare measures of disease occurrence: ratios, proportions, and rates define, explain and calculate each one of them.

Technical presentation of the assignment 5
Title page is provided and gives a clear indication of the topic 1
Table of contents is accurate and complete 1
Headings and subheadings form a logical and coherent outline 1
Assignment is presented in a typed and edited format – 1.5 spacing and not more than 12 pages long 1
Content is properly referenced or cited 1
Conclusion 5
List of sources is current, accurate and comprehensive 3
Total 50

Primary Lecturer:MR MT MAMAHLODI Signature: Date:30/08/2022

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