Need a rapidminer output for the below question please use rapid miner software
Need a rapidminer output for the below question please use rapid miner software for the folllowed question to get ouput.I need output using rapidminer tool.
For this assignment, you will need to complete the following problem: 9.1 (a)(b)(d)(g) on page 265.
Please submit the following three items:
(1) The MS Word file that contains the answers to the questions of this assignment.
(2) The screenshot showing the entire process you created in RapidMiner. Your screenshot should clearly show the entire screen including the date/time at the corner of your computer.
(3) The .rmp file that contains the exported process.
From the question 9.1 please answer only a,b,d,g that to use rapid miner tool and please give me proper detailed documentation for the following questions.Here iam uploading the excel file, text book and screenshot of the question go through it. Here 9.1a and 9.1b are screenshots of the question.