NURS2027 Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 1B – Assessment 4 – Part 3
NURS2027 Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 1B – Assessment 4 – Part 3
Review your readings in module 4 and reflect on your own personal management of your own self-care. Discuss the activities you currently engage in to support your own self-care and identify three resources available to you as a nursing student to seek support for self-care. Provide a brief understanding of why your self-care is important to meet the NMBA Nursing Standards for practice. (500 words)
This assessment requires you to provide the evidence to support your discussion in accordance with the Flinders University Academic Integrity policy and presented in APA-7 format.
Marking rubric
Student Name:
Student ID:
Assessment criteria
Reflection on readings and identified personal activities that support self-care and three resources to support self-care (5 marks)
Understanding for why self-care behaviours meet the NMBA
Standards (3 marks)
Academic writing (10%) (2 marks) Meets APA 7th edition referencing style. Word limit met. Correct spelling, grammar, & syntax
Marker Overall comment Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Excellent and Good reflection Satisfactory reflection No reflection, no or comprehensive on readings, on readings, (limited incorrect reflection on personal evidence to show identification of
readings, personal activities to breadth of reading), readings, irrelevant to activities to support support self-care. personal activities to self-care. Resources self-care. Identified Identified three support self-care. to support self-care three relevant relevant Identified three inappropriate or resources to support resources to relevant resources to irrelevant.
self-care. support self-care. support self-care not
inclusive of
university resources.
Comprehensive Good Satisfactory No or incorrect
understanding with understanding understanding with understanding with clear implications with relevant limited implications no or incorrect for delivery of implications for for delivery of health implications for health care, delivery of care, links to NMBA delivery of health excellent links to health care, links Standards care, no links to
NMBA Standards to NMBA NMBA Standards
Mostly Satisfactory use of Inadequate/no use of consistent APA 7th edition APA 7th edition style use of APA referencing for referencing for Comprehensive use 7th edition reference list & in reference list & in of APA 7th edition referencing text referencing with text referencing Word style referencing for for reference some errors count not adhered to reference list & in list & in text Adheres to word Significant errors in
text referencing referencing count spelling, grammar, & with no errors. with minimal +/- 10% syntax, so the intent Adheres to word errors Multiple errors in of the paper is count +/- 10% Adheres to spelling, grammar, & difficult to determine. No errors in word count syntax, so the paper is spelling, grammar, +/- 10% difficult to read or syntax so the Some errors in
paper is very easy to spelling,
read. grammar, & syntax, but the paper is mostly easy to read
Late submission Penalty: