Research Assignment instructions For this assignment, please go to the Home tab

Research Assignment instructions
For this assignment, please go to the Home tab

Research Assignment instructions
For this assignment, please go to the Home tab of our Canvas course, then go to the final module
at the bottom, and see the folder titled “Research assignment paper options.” This folder
contains six marketing research papers, published in top academic journals.
Please choose one of the papers which you find most interesting, read the paper fully, and then
proceed with the questions below. Type your responses below each question, and when finished,
submit the document as a Word or PDF document to the Canvas Assignment dropbox, titled
“Dropbox for research assignment”, by the due date mentioned in the syllabus and in my
1) After reading the introductory paragraphs of the paper, in your own words, describe the main
problem, issue, or phenomenon that the authors are aiming to address with their research. Why
is research within this domain important?
2) As you’ve learned in the course, research should not be random, and should ideally be based
on theoretical or conceptual backgrounds. For this question, please describe the expectations or
hypotheses that the authors were interested in testing (prior to collecting data), and describe
what information led them to form these beliefs. Note: there may be several
expectations/hypotheses stated, so please discuss each of these in separate paragraphs.
3) What types of data did the authors collect, and how was the data collected?
4) What type of model, or analysis technique, did the authors use to test their
expectations/hypotheses, after collecting the data?
5) What are the main results that the authors discover? Note: if you chose a paper with multiple
studies, please describe the results of each study.
6) What are the practical, managerial, or marketing implications that the authors discuss near the
end of the paper? How important do you personally believe they are?
7) The authors conclude the paper with some directions for future research. Please describe them
8) Can you think of any other ideas for future research within this domain? Is there anything important than you believe the authors missed, which future researchers should explore?
8) Can you think of any other ideas for future research within this domain? Is there anything
important than you believe the authors missed, which future researchers should explore?

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