Students must define a topic, research it, and write a 3 page paper. The topic

Students must define a topic, research it, and write a 3 page paper. The topic

Students must define a topic, research it, and write a 3 page paper. The topic will be focused on a population that you want to work with and/or social policy that intersects in a particular substantive area (, criminal justice, education, health care,) and causes social injustice.
For this paper, you will want to consider specifics such as:
The importance of justice in social work (
Why it’s important for social work to be involved in getting rid of/ dismantling the oppression within injustice systems.
How its relates to the Code of ethics/ social work values
The role of social work in dismantling injustice
How social work can be involved in creating justice within the incarceration system
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