The critical infrastructure of the United States is broken down into 16 sectors,

The critical infrastructure of the United States is broken down into 16 sectors,

The critical infrastructure of the United States is broken down into 16 sectors, and each sector has subsectors or components. Some sectors are more critical than other sectors. Public safety officials must identify the sectors that exist in their communities, and those sectors should be prioritized to determine their value for public safety. For example, protecting a nuclear reactor has a higher priority than protecting an isolated gas station. Both are important, but one has a higher priority for the safety of the community and the surrounding region. In this assignment, you will address the question, “What makes critical infrastructure critical?
Address the following in a 4-6-page paper:
• Look at the critical infrastructure in your local community, and answer the following questions:
• What sectors or subsectors seem to be most prevalent in your community?
• In your analysis, what are the 5 most critical sectors or subsectors in your community?
Why might they be more important than other sectors?
• For each of the selected sectors, explain the possible short-term and long-term effects on the community, if they were to be sabotaged or destroyed.
• Be detailed in your responses, and support your arguments with a logical analysis. For example, if one sector is sabotaged, then how or why might it affect other sectors in the communitv?
o Consider the local, state, and national
importance of sectors and subsectors that might be in or near your community.

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