The scientific method is the gold standard for exploring our natura world t cons

The scientific method is the gold standard for exploring our natura world t cons

The scientific method is the gold standard for exploring our natura world t consists of systematic observa
formulation, resung, and rmany, a nypornesis. res me process mat scientsts use to understand everyting rom anima penavior to ine forces mat snape our
planet- Incrucine cumate change and the areenhouse sIeel
Using the scientific method, scientists have shown that humans are extremely likely the dominant cause of today’s climate change. The theory dates back tc the late 1800s, but in the mid 1900’s, scientists began collecting massive amounts of data, including CO levels in the atmosphere, to show significant
leads to climate change. Please watch this video for a brief overview: What is the Greenhouse Effect?
In this Greenhouse Stfect Lab, you will simulate the effect on varfous gasses in the atmosphere, then answer the following questions utilizing the Scientific
Method surrounding your own “hypothesis
The scientific method’s steps
‘The exact steps of the scientific method can vary by discipline. but since we have only one Earth (and no “test” Earth), climate scientists follow a few
general guidelines to better understand carbon dioxide levels, sea level rise
Form a hypothesis (a statement that an experiment can test)
Module 1 – Chapter 3:
Newton’s Laws of
Module 2 Pre-Test
Module 2 – Chapter 4:
Momentum and Energy
Module 2 – Chapter 5:
Module 2-Integrated
Science Essay
Analyze and interpret the date
Draw conclusions
Publish results that can be validated with further experiments rinse and repeat
As you can see, the scientific method is repetitive, meaning that climate scientists are constantly making new discoveries about the world based on the building blocks of scientific knowledge
Your goal is to understand the following concepts and make a “hypothesis” surrounding one or both concepts listed below, then use the scientific method to determine the results according to the results from the online integrative lab
Concept 1. Increase the number of class lavers. What happens to the temperature of the thermometer? Why?
Concept 2. Try the “Photon Absorption” tab at the top of the simulation. Observe the molecules carefully when they absorb photons (particles of
light). What happens?
Remember that most solar lights are in the vistole spectrum, our when the lights absorbed and re emitted from the barth, fis in infrared light, which is
Module 3 Pre-Test
Module 3 – Chapter 6:
Module 3 – Chapter 7:
Electricity and
This is an energy absorption by light. Most visible light (typical sun’s light) is not absorbed by molecules in the air. The molecules interact strongly with
infrared light. When a molecule absorbs a light particle (photon), the molecule vibrates, which increases its kinetic energy. Keep in mind that energy cannot
be destroved. but it just changes its form
Explanation: Light consists of various colors. Some are visible. and most are not visible. When the sunlight comes to the Earth, the light passes through the
air without any interaction so that the sunlight eneroy comes to the surface of the ground. The ground re-emits its eneroy mostly in infrared light invisible
Once the light interacts with the air, some of the light goes back to the ground. so the
ground absorbs the light again, which increases the temperature of the Barth’s surface. If the air contains a lot of CO or CH (mostly by pollution), we
have very hot days causing “Global Warming
lecov Lovont• Von will nood to cite of loost three credible references ond evnloin how von come un with the ideo ond how von focted it in detail:
. What observation led von to come un with vour experiment? Provide sutlicient hackeround information and introduce the tonic.
Module 3 – Chapter 8:
Sound and Light
what is your hypothesis being tested state it clearly, and remember that a hypothesis is a testable statement. Make sure you
understand what a hypothesis is before forming one
explain your scientific experiment, the process, the materials, and the steps you will take to ensure your data begins and remains
Module 4 Pre-Test
Module 4 – Chapter 28
– Solar system
Module 4 – Chapter 29
– The universe
Greenhouse Lab Project
What other variables might need to be accounted for when testing your hypothesis? 5. Is there another or better way to test vour
hypothesis? Might you consider testing your same hypothesis under different parameters to validate vour results further?
Final Submission Details: Your lab report must be written in APA format, including a cover page, introduction, subtopics, conclusion, and a separate
reference page. Please submit as a single file (MS-Word or PDF and include answers to the following questions surrounding the Greenhouse Lab Effect
utilizing the Scientific Method. Please be sure to cite all references within the text, as well as on your Reference page. Additional details are listed below
You may find credible resources on Google Scholar, any news journal, net, or .org site. Please refrain from Wikipedia, .com, or blog sites, as this
These articles have not been peer-reviewed for accuracy
Your essay will need to include a cover page with a title (does not count towards the 2+ pages), be a minimum of 2 pages in length (12-pt font and double
spaced) and include a final Reference page that also does not count towards your 2+ pages. Please use APA formatting, especially when citing references.
brootread alone the way
Please check out for a complimentary account and “Essay Drop-Off Review.” Also, check out the TAMU-C Writing Center for more information on APA style formatting, as well as a resource for you before submitting your final essay: TAMU-C Writing Center
Please CITE YOUR SOURCES WITHIN YOUR ESSAY when usine direct guotes. statistics. or facts. Use no more than two direct quotations in vour
essay; all other information should be paraphrased in your own words. Always spell-check and use correct grammar. is a great free
This essay is linked to Turnitin and will be checked for plagiarism. Your essay will need to be in our own paraphrased words,

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