The specific objective of this course project is to assure that students of busi
The specific objective of this course project is to assure that students of business have a sufficient capacity of skills to conduct an organizational financial analysis. This exercise will provide students with the opportunity to integrate and implement theory to practice.
Students will choose a company to perform the following tasks:
An environmental scan and risk analysis of the organization.
A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing ratios.
A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing free cash flow, market value added and economic value added.
A calculation of the weighted average cost of capital.
Develop a cogent conclusion as to the financial health of the organization, with the idea recommending whether the company’s stock should be bought, sold, or a neutral position taken.
The written paper is to be typed, double–spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman and 12-point font. APA format.