The topic is WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY AND WHY STUDY PHILOSOPHY? Based on your percepti

The topic is WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY AND WHY STUDY PHILOSOPHY? Based on your percepti

The topic is WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY AND WHY STUDY PHILOSOPHY? Based on your perception of Philosophy, why is it important today? In considering this question, think about what information is gained and exchanged in philosophical views and what are the advantages. what type of knowledge is shared and how can it be applied. Think about who may be considered to be a philosopher and why. In considering this question, think about what information is gained and exchanged in philosophical views and what are the advantages. What type of knowledge is shared and how can it be applied. Think about who may be considered to be philosopher and why.
Please consult to philosophical texts as you compose this 2-3 page paper.
Plato’s Apology
Bertrand Russell’s The ” Value of Philosophy “which come from this larger worker entitled “The Problems of Philosophy.” Read Pojman and Vaughn Philosophy The Quest For Truth

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