This is an individual effort assignment. You are expected to allocate time to wa

This is an individual effort assignment. You are expected to allocate time to wa

This is an individual effort assignment. You are expected to allocate time to watch and read all source material, take notes as needed, and reflect on what you are asked to complete. Submit work that is in your own words and only discusses content from the three sources provided. Ensure you are aware of the Academic Integrity Policy which guides penalties for cheating and plagiarism.
Instructions: Develop a Memo. Criteria for assessment (how it will be graded) will be based on meeting all of the following:
Required Memo format:
use default setting of 1″ left and right margins and single or 1.5 line spacing (not double spaced)
One page minimum, two page maximum. No hand-written submissions.
Use full sentences and paragraphs. In this course, a paragraph will be 5–7 sentences in length.
Start writing at the very first line of the page
When complete, convert your file to PDF and upload it!
Body of assignment:
You will only use content from the three sources to develop your response.
Begin the memo by providing a top-level, 2-3 sentence descriiption of the problem as you see it. You may want to include in it where it happened, when, and the impact or, why it was a problem
Next, always in your own words, discuss the main problem(s) in greater depth and as you see it, and what action was taken?
Identify the set of persons affected (e.g. persons, specific groups of persons, stakeholders, organizations, and so on) and paraphrase their unique perspective of the event. Be specific. You are encouraged to refer to specific content in each of the three sources.
Evaluate concepts in the context of culture, race, and diversity.

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Approximately 250 words