Topic Selection Submission The final theory paper is based on using one of the e

Topic Selection Submission
The final theory paper is based on using one of the e

Topic Selection Submission
The final theory paper is based on using one of the extant theories in criminology to explain why we commit crimes in relation to dynamics of social, economic, and political power. Why and how does the theory make rational sense as to why crime exists and who commits a crime? This submission should be the topic you selected to write about for the final theory paper.
Submission Instructions:
This submission is to be clear and concise and proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Free of plagiarism.
Required Textbook(s):
Terrill, R.J. (2016). World criminal justice systems: a comparative survey. Routledge.
Print: 9780323356466
eBook: 9781315624389

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