ver the past few weeks, you have learned that chemicals are essential building b

ver the past few weeks, you have learned that chemicals are essential building b

ver the past few weeks, you have learned that chemicals are essential building blocks for everything in our environment. All living matter consists of atoms and molecules that make up the chemicals substances that are the basis of people, animals, and plants. All of the food we eat is made up of chemical substances, including nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, protein, and fiber. For example, some form of carbon is present in all foods and drinks, with the only exception being still drinking water. Carbon is also an essential component of fats, proteins, sugar, and carbohydrates, as it provides the backbone for all nutrients.
Have you ever taken a good look at the label on the box of crackers, cereal, or granola bars in your kitchen cabinet? If so, you have more than likely noticed the food nutrition label that provides you with the information needed to ensure you are consuming the proper amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates to stay healthy.
For this assignment, you will analyze the food nutrition labels of processed food products, including chocolate chip muffins, white bread, and oats, and you will use your knowledge of conversions and conversion factors to complete the worksheet attached.
To prepare for this assignment, review the websites below to gain an understanding of food nutrition labels.
Article: How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label
Article: “How to Read a Food Label” please use app 7 format

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