write a poetry explication of one of the poems below. A poetry explication is di

write a poetry explication of one of the poems below. A poetry explication is di

write a poetry explication of one of the poems below. A poetry explication is different than a critical paper, so pay attention to my directions. You can also look at my example of Christian Wiman’s “Prelude,” which is on our D2L page. Rather than a critical paper that focuses on one element of a text and makes a deep, narrow argument about that one element, an explication gives a more thorough and broad explanation of the poem’s meaning. In your first paragraph, describe the poem’s main idea/message/argument as a whole. What is the main thing the poem is trying to say or accomplish? In the following paragraphs, take me through the poem line-by-line, stanza-by-stanza, or section-by-section to show how the poem achieves the main claim that you describe in paragraph one. You can also include analysis on other elements such as the title or formal elements, but do your best to connect that discussion to the poem’s meaning. You do not need a standard introduction or conclusion.

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