Write a two-page reflection paper. Spend one page addressing: 1) your questions,

Write a two-page reflection paper. Spend one page addressing:
1) your questions,

Write a two-page reflection paper. Spend one page addressing:
1) your questions, insights, and concerns after watching the trauma stewardship video;
2) your current committed self-care practices, challenges, and awareness of what might need to shift to improve self-care in your daily routine.
On the second page, describe:
1) what you see occurring in the creative process described in the memoir/art response article, incorporating what you learned about the ETC and neuroscience;

2) why do you feel it is essential for arts-based therapists to engage in personal art practices exploring compassion, fatigue, vitality, personal trauma, and resiliency using art-based life-review practices?
Your assignment submission should be a minimum of 2 pages. If you need a bit longer than two pages, that’s ok. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. Please include APA citations.
10 points – content, insightful personal reflection, well-written
10 points – no grammar or spelling mistakes,
5 points – correct use of APA references and citations.
5 points – on time

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