you are expected to submit a single document that consists of five short-answer

you are expected to submit a single document that consists of five short-answer

you are expected to submit a single document that consists of five short-answer essays. Each of these should be no longer than 500 words. The work should be accompanied by a single reference list excluded from word count. The rive titles that you should use for
voUressays are:
1. Memory decline is inevitable in older age. Discuss with relevance to two opposing theoretical standpoints.
2. Stress can be adaptive as well as maladaptive. Discuss this with relevance to existing
theories or psychological stress
3. ‘Internet addiction’ is not a true’ addiction in the same way as alcohol or other substance addiction Discuss with reference to current theories
4. ‘We need to heavily censor media for aggressive and violent content as a wav of
controlling aggression in adolescents. Discuss this statement with reference to current literature.
5. Choose one of the following titles:
o Critically discuss whether people are biologically predisposed to be biased thinkers.
o Discuss the interaction between biology and society in enhancing pet owners’ sense of wellbeing.
o Why do people seemingly hind it easy to believe in psychic phenomena:
• Assessment type: Coursework
o Type of task: Five short word essays (500 words each)
o Maximum words: 2,500 words
o How much the assessment is worth: 100%

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