You need to submit two files for this assignment: the PPT or PPTX file and a PDF

You need to submit two files for this assignment: the PPT or PPTX file and a PDF

You need to submit two files for this assignment: the PPT or PPTX file and a PDF of the handouts showing your presentation notes. You should type your script or outline of what you’d say when presenting these slides in the notes section so I can read them with that file.
The presentation needs to have:
* A title slide
* An agenda/outline slide
* 5-10 slides of content
* Any additional section title slides or transition slides you’d like to include (so, if you have a slide at the start of the “conclusion” section, that just says “conclusion,” that doesn’t count toward your “slides of content” total)
* A “thank you” slide with your name and contact information

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Approximately 250 words