Your goal for this speech is to effectively persuade your audience members to ch
Your goal for this speech is to effectively persuade your audience members to change their opinions or follow through on an action related to a policy, fact, or value.
Persuasive Speech Requirements: Topic for this Persuasive Speech is ” Why Sleeping Early and Being In Sync With Circadiam Rhythm is Good for our Health”
A visual aid is required. Examples of a visual aid may include a hand-held object, chart, graph, or photograph.
You must reference at least two sources of scholarly support
Your speech should have three main parts:IntroductionInclude an attention-getter.
Introduce the central idea.
BodyInclude 3–4 main ideas with at least two sources of scholarly support.
Use details, examples, and personal connections.
ConclusionSummarize the central idea
Close strong with a memorable idea, statement, or question
Leave an impression
Overall Persuasiveness and Speech Content:
Creative, colorful, powerful language
Clarity of ideas with appropriate language and grammar choices
Strong use of pathos (emotional appeals)
Strong use of logos (well-crafted arguments with clear reasoning)
A well-established sense of credibility and good will (ethos)
Solid evidence provided for all claims